Friday, February 5, 2010

Day One

This is Day 1. Day one of what I'm not sure. I want to be healthier and begin some sort of exercise routine. I'm going to post about my progress here. Feel free to follow along.

I'll share a little background. As a college student I never had to worry about what I ate or make an effort to exercise. At 5' 3", I held steady at 105 all through school, life was good. My diet consisted of Chef Boyardee, tater tots, popcorn, mac and cheese, cheap beer, Mad Dog and cigarettes. In my mid twenties I married, eventually having two beautiful boys. After both children were born I was able to shed the pounds and not worry about what crossed my plate. In fact at age 31 I got my belly button pierced thinking it would always look good......what a stupid thought! I'm now well into my late 30's creeping ever closer and closer to the dreaded four oh and the pounds have been adding up. I can no longer ignore it!

I'm blessed to still be at a manageable weight and some people still consider me "skinny". I'm unfortunately cursed with German genes that seem to only make my belly and thighs gain weight. I'll admit it, my calves and feet look great! Plus, with the proper clothing camouflaging my problem areas many people probably don't realize how much weight I've gained over the years. I always thought a pound, or two(or three) a year is no big deal. Well, it becomes a big deal when you, multiply those two to three pounds over the course of eight to ten years. It is time to do something about it!

Please join me as a chronicle my adventures as a confessed slug tries to motivate her ass. Wish me luck!