Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hold the Milk

Lately I've been doing rather well with my mission to eat healthy. I slipped up a little bit the evening of the Super Bowl, but it was only a few hot wings and three lite beers. That's not too bad, right? Well, this morning I totally blew it! Why didn't anyone ever tell me how FANTASTIC children's sugary cereal tasted? As a kid I hated cereal. I never liked anything mixed with my milk, especially little crunchy bits that turned soggy in seconds. I only had to taste it once to know dripping, wet, cardboard was not my choice for breakfast. I never in my life ate dry cereal.........that is, of course, until today. This beautiful, crisp February morning, as I was slowly pouring Cinnamon Toast crunch into my child's bowl, one just happened to fall on the table. In the blink of an eye I picked it up and popped it into my mouth before I could even think twice about it. I'm sure I only did it out of natural reflex but OH MY GOD, THAT TASTED SO FREAKING GOOD! So I tried another, and then another, and then just one more, and then a handful, and then another handful.....well you get the point. I am now addicted to dry Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal. Thank you General Mills. No wonder my kid's love this stuff and even eat for a snack. It is pure crunchy, cinnamon heaven! Do all cereals with bright, kid-appealing boxes taste like this? What have I been missing? Do Reese's Puffs taste like candy? How about the Cookie Crisp....are they really mini cookies? Fruit Loops...candied fruit? Frosted Flakes....please don't tell me icing flavor! I obviously need to call my mom and thank her for buying those generic, sugarless cereals years and years ago. She probably saved me at least 20 extra pounds that I would be carrying around with me today.

Unfortunately that is all I have time to post for now. I have to run to the store, a big snow storm is on the way and we are out of cereal!